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Girls, women and alcohol : making informed choices.
Girls, women and alcohol : making informed choices.
Evaluating insight : a mentoring program to support women who use alcohol during pregnancy : a summary of the report, Long-term outcomes of Manitoba's InSight mentoring program : a comparative statistical analysis / summary by Jennifer Enns.
Research update : Alcohol use and pregnancy : an important Canadian public health and social issue / by Colleen Anne Dell and Gary Roberts.
La consommation d'alcool chez les femmes et les filles :  des choix éclairés.
Why do girls and women drink alcohol during pregnancy? : information for service providers.
Pregnancy, alcohol, and trauma-informed practice : information for service providers.
It is safest not to drink during pregnancy. What does this mean? : information for service providers.
Treatment and care for pregnant women who use alcohol and/or other drugs : information for service providers.
InSight program for service providers : support for pregnant women and new mothers who use substances.

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