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A record of accomplishments : the Mulroney government 1984 to 1986.
Address of the Honourable John Bracken leader of the Progressive Conservative Party delivered over the national network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, December 21, 1942.
Equality for agriculture by the Honourable John Bracken : a speech given at Lethbridge, Alberta in which the national leader of the Progressive Conservative Party set ouf what his party believes to be the remedy necessary to bring about the recovery of Canada's basic industry.
The premier speaks to the people : the prime minister's January radio broadcasts issued in book form ; the fifth address delivered from Ottawa on Friday, January 11th, 1935, between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m. ; with a foreword by Lionel Conacher.
Let the future begin : Jean Charest's plan for Canada's next century.
Constitution of the ....
Developing a Conservative agenda for Canadians : asking the right questions.
A taxpayer's agenda : making government work for Canada / Kim Campbell.
Three years of achievement : highlights of 36 months of action.
The last straw : report of the Task Force on Rail Passenger Service.

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